Reserve de Mantane
July 2019
Matane, Quebec
On a job for Tourism Quebec, Isaac and I met up with Sepaq (the Canadian National Park Service) employee Derick for a sunrise shoot on famous Lake Matane. We had arrived at the Faunique de Matane reserve just the night before and were already captivated by its beauty. Sunrise being so early in the summer meant we were up by 4:30am, sleepy eyed with only coffee keeping our eyes open. We hopped in our rental car and drove to the lake from our nearby cabin. Although we sluggishly rolled out of the car, within minutes we both were wide awake to the beautiful view.
After watching Derick motor around the lake for a few minutes, the golden rays that were on the rise were quickly blocked by fast moving clouds. Realizing we would not get the vibrant sunrise we were hoping for, we called Derick to the shore. Watching Derick take care of his boat on the docks was more beautiful than any colorful sky we could have witnessed. This morning reminded me of the importance and beauty of small details that are present in so many aspects of everyday life.
Derick eating dinner. On most evenings, he gives wildlife tours and ends up eating dinner while driving.
Our cabin at blue hour.